Blogging, Squidoo lenses, Twitter, Facebook, Redgage, Forums & more.
Being able to connect to several sites & accounts is a GREAT way to save time. Post on 1 & it posts on another as well. You can connect your Facebook Biz pages to your Twitter account... See the video below.
Now... Squidoo & Redgage both make money when other's click either on it or within it. So here is a scenario:
You have a new blog that has links to your Website or products. You set up a Squidoo lens that has to do with your products & you have links to your blog.
You have a Redgage account that links to your Squidoo lens. You promote your Redgage account on a Facebook page that will also post on Twitter.
SOOOO... promote on Facebook, will also post on Twitter (a twofer)... link to your Redgage (you get paid for clicks) the link from there goes to Squidoo (you get higher ranking AND maybe extra $ if they click on ads).... then you link to your blog (hopefully they follow your blog) & THEN the links in the Blog go to your site or product.
Now I KNOW you are asking "Why not just go directly to the site?" Take a look at that crazy "maze" of a scenerio. You have created many backlinks to your site & searches LOVE backlinks! AND if you have good friends, they will share or Retweet the entire thing all over again to their friends.
This all may sound like a giant Jigsaw puzzle but it is the best way to help in your search ranking & we all know: Higher the Ranking - the better our sales are.