Sunday, April 25, 2010

Need more Traffic to your WEBSITE but don't have time?

Do you need to promote your site but just don't have the time to post blogs... twitters... forums?
I can do that FOR YOU!!!

Basic package: each month: 30 blogs (1 per day) to a blog on Google Blogspot with keyword links, 150 Tweets on Twitter with links(5 per day) & 1 post per week on up to 2 forums that you belong to that allows a promotion section. Cost: $400

Added to the above: If you need a blog set up on Google & Twitter account set up... for an additional $100 (1 time flat fee), I will set them up... email you the login & password Info. I will also try to get as many followers as I can in that first month. You can send your company logo for me to add to your Blog as well.

Need a logo for your blog or website? $50 & we can design one for you. (1 change included after you send us your idea or theme)

My credentials: I have 28 websites & stores online.... 5 twitter accounts, 6 blogs, 6 Squidoo lenses & belong to several forums.
EX: twitter - @petsadored or @kjscreations or @bgtogether
blogs: or

I DO NOT Spam.... I handwrite each blog & twitter to be interesting. I may retweet relevent info & tweet a new blog entry.

So you can take us "for a ride" for 1 month & if you want to do it again for another month.... just let us know.
I take paypal or credit card info over phone... After you email us at include an email or phone & I will contact you with the info I need to get you started.